I’m Back and NOT Going Away Again!!! (oh promises, promises!!! )

Well yes, once I started blogging, it took me a while to get rolling, but once I did, I was writing pretty regularly. Then it happened…. I stopped!!! and then I tried to start up again…. and then…stopped.
Well…. the short story is this-
I got busy with my life that was falling apart at the time. I actually started writing when I WAS REALLY a mess inside… but it gave me some peace and feeling of accomplishment. I have always wanted to write and so I was doing it and for that little snipped section of my life I was happy. BUT… I wasn’t. Everything was falling apart around me and the only thing that kept me grounded was feeding my family. The most basic of chores in taking care of my family. SO… Food kept me grounded. AND it made me gain weight, but that is another story for another time.
So, during the time I wasn’t writing, I got my proverbial “stuff” together and of course just like any thing in life, I am still a work in progress. But I will tell you this- anything worth having in this life is worth working hard for. If all the good things were easy to get would they be as desirable? I am now working towards my dreams -as I always was, but now I’m actually moving and not on the hamster wheel anymore! As I continue to write here, I will share what goes on in Dorina’s Kitchen…. which is LIFE. I just updated the bio on my Facebook page and I think it about sums it up so here it is…
I love my kitchen. This is where everything important in life takes place. It’s where we eat, it’s where we laugh, where we cry and fight and make up. It’s where we go for comfort and where we go to share joys. It is the heart of a family home.
I was lucky enough to learn from my Mom and Nonna and from all my cousins and friends in Italy as well as the Italian restaurant I grew up in. I am truly blessed.
It is in my kitchen that I nourish my family… it is in my kitchen that I dispense of the wisdom I gained from my lifes experiences and Mom’s and Nonna’s and everyone else I learned from.
It’s where I live.
So as I start up my writing again, I will continue to share my recipes and my bits of wisdom that I do believe I have gained over these last few years…. all the stuff that I already “knew” but didn’t really! Because I have finally learned that you can “know” everything but unless you use that knowledge you don’t KNOW A THING.

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