everyone’s got a STORY…..

So today I had a friend call me due to the question I posted on Facebook about possibly buying a restaurant. We haven’t spoken in probably a year and she lives 5 minutes from me! She said I should post more questions like I did the other day…. it got interesting back and forth comments and it made her call me…. Then I found out her son had spent a semester abroad LAST YEAR and when I asked “How come I didn’t know that????” She said “Because you have a life! ” …. I DO… she is right on one hand…but I’m sorry I didn’t know. I’m sorry we havent gotten together more. I miss you.
Names shall be anonymous because this could be a number of my friends and actually IS…. especially some….right now. I miss you.

The thing is… that I am TRULY BLESSED. I have a lot of wonderful friends and family that I actually like!. Most of my friends are on my Facebook list. I’m glad you are there. At least once in a while even if we can’t talk all the time we can keep up with each other in some fashion because we care… I have friends and family on here from DC/MD/VA=home….who are from grade school, high school and college…co workers, roommates and neighbors. All across this USA including NJ(current home), NY W.VA, DE,RI, FL,AL,GA,NC,CA, AZ,TX,IL, IN, PA, OH, CT, MA….There are some from Roseto (my Italian hometown which I love more than any place on earth) Italy and England, Germany, Belgium, South Africa, Iceland, Austalia, Venezuela, Colombia and Canada.
As I look at this list, I realize how far reaching my life has been. If money were no object and days had more than 24 hours I wish I could have all of you in my life all the time. The reality is that as my friend who started this thought process working today said… I have a life… we all do. I want all of you to know that I care about people. Especially MY people. YOU are my people. If you don’t hear from me– msg. me, call me, knock on my door or just walk in for that matter. I wish you were all local to me or me to you…but we aren’t. I wish I had a private jet! I’d be in Roseto every other week and in other places in between. The fact remains that times are tough. Not just for me but for all of us I am sure. One thing I have learned in this life… EVERYONE HAS A “STORY”. Among my friends and family there have been deaths by accident, illness and suicide. Some have been older and lived long lives and others were taken way too soon. Some suffered some didn’t. I miss them all. They all affected my life and touch my life still today by the lessons I learned and compassion I grew through it all. Others have dealt with A.D.D., A.D.H.D, Tourettes, O.C.D, Anxiety and Depression. I have friends who suffer from PTSD who were in the military. Others in the military suffered physically. I have friends who have suffered abuse and others whose spouses were less than honorable. I have friends who have kids with all kinds of issues and others who have lost their kids. And I have people who are in financial ruin/distress. Some have lost jobs and others lost houses.
We all go thru some kind of pain in our lives. What is most important is that we all realize that we DO all have a story…. that we all have a LIFE. BUT in the meantime, one of the joys in life is having people who we love and who love us. Whether we live next door and see each other every day or we live across the world and haven’t seen each other in 20 ages. I have a friend I hadn’t seen in 30 years(since Jr Hi) then we reconnected a few years ago and we are very close today, even tho we still don’t live nearby. SO, everyone… if you have any peeves about who didn’t call today when they said they’d call you back in 5 minutes… to hell with it call THEM.
I know I haven’t always been the best friend or cousin or daughter or sister or mother or wife… but my heart is in the right place and it bursts with love for the people I have chosen to keep in my life in whatever way possible.
Think about it people. Think about it in terms of the people on YOUR list of people you love. If you haven’t told them recently, tell them….and remind them that even when you aren’t seeing or speaking often that you are always there. I’m sure they know but reminders are nice now and then. And don’t assume that if you haven’t heard from them that they don’t care. Because if you do, I’m sure they do. And remember that they have their own story they are trying to write, deal with or erase!
Afterwards say a little prayer and instead of whining about who has left you in your life…. thank God for the people who are still THERE. THEY are the ones who help you get thru all the issues life will throw at you. Your family and your friends -all over the world.
I wish you all Peace and Love and as much Happiness as you can muster up! because after all you are in charge of your own happiness… the rest of us are just here to come on your ride and invite you to come on ours.
(I had to define “muster” for Angelina tonite as a vocaulary word! ..good word! LOL)
By the way… i cannot even begin to tell you(without writing an entire book) how many of the above “issues” are MINE…LOL… but through it all…with the help of God and all of you…. I’m still here.
All my love,

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